Jak należy przechowywać rozłupywarkę, gdy nie jest używana?

Ostatnio aktualizowany w dniu 9 kwietnia 2020 przez Forest Master

Zdecydowanie zalecamy owinięcie silnika w ręcznik, jeśli jest on przechowywany nieużywany przez dłuższy okres czasu oraz założenie oddychającego pokrowca na maszynę, aby zapobiec skraplaniu się wody na obudowie silnika. Nie należy przykrywać go folią plastikową lub innymi materiałami nie oddychającymi.

Kategoria: Łuparka do pni - Obsługa

2 komentarze

  1. Czy powinienem spuszczać paliwo z mojej łuparki do drewna, gdy nie jest używana w miesiącach zimowych?

    1. Forest Master

      Hi David,

      It’s generally not necessary to drain the oil from your electric log splitter when it’s not in use over the winter months, as long as it’s stored properly. The hydraulic oil in your log splitter acts as a lubricant and coolant for the hydraulic system, and draining it could leave internal components unprotected and susceptible to rust and corrosion. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind for winter storage:

      Check the Oil Condition: Before storing your log splitter for the winter, it’s a good idea to check the condition of the hydraulic oil. If the oil is dirty or has been in use for an extended period, it’s a good practice to replace it with fresh oil according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Fresh oil will have fewer contaminants and provide better protection for the hydraulic system.

      Storage Location: Store your log splitter in a dry, covered area to protect it from the elements. Extreme cold can cause hydraulic oil to thicken, which might make the splitter harder to start or operate when you use it next. If the log splitter must be stored in an unheated area, consider using a hydraulic oil with a lower viscosity that is suitable for colder temperatures, if recommended by the manufacturer.

      Regular Maintenance: Before putting your log splitter away for the winter, it’s also a good idea to perform any other recommended maintenance, such as cleaning the machine, checking for loose bolts and connections, and lubricating moving parts. This ensures that your log splitter will be ready for use when you need it again.

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